Canoe Days Out

Norfolk - Norfolk Broads - Martham Ferry to Hickling Broad, Horsey Mere & return

How to get there - From the A47 between Norwich and Great Yarmouth turn north at the Acle roundabout onto the A1064 (Old Road). After 2 miles bear left onto the B1152. Follow this for four and a half miles (crossing the A149) to Martham. At the north end of the village the road will turn sharply to the right. Turn left here into School Road then left into Straithe Road. Take the second right (Ferrygate Lane) and after half a mile take the right fork to park on the east side of the straithe.

Get a map with driving directions to start or end (enter the postcode of your starting point at A)

Suggested Launch Site - Launch over the bank.

General Description - From the straithe turn left into the river Thurne then right into Candle Dyke towards Hickling Broad. The dyke will broaden into Heigham Sound on the right of which is the entrance to Meadow Dyke which leads to Horsey Mere (closed November to February) with its national Trust Windmill (with fine views over the whole area) and refreshment hut. Either take this now or (saving it for later) continue ahead to Hickling Broad with the village of Hickling Heath and the Pleasure Boat Inn at the north end.

This whole area is a delight to nature lovers but can get windy due to its proximity to the coast.

If you want a shorter trip you could shuttle a car to the National Trust Car Park at Horsey (£3 for all day parking) and end the trip there.


Horsey Windmill
Canoe Hire-Martham
Canoe Hire-Hickling Heath

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The last trip loaded was Great Haywood to Great Haywood (Circular Route) on the River Trent / Trent & Mersey Canal by Peter Robinson