How to get there - Once you get into Beccles, look for directions to the Tourist Information Office. The address is The Quay, Fen Lane, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 9BH.
Get a map with driving directions to start or end (enter the postcode of your starting point at A)
Suggested Launch Site - There is a slipway near the Tourist Information office. There are a couple of parking spaces next to the slip way to enable you to unload. There is a big car park on the other side of the river to leave the car if you can't get a space by the slipway.
Another good launch site is The Beccles Canoe Centre (see link). You can hire a variety of canoes and kayaks and/or launch your own boat for a small fee.
If you wish to do the trip in the opposite direction, you can launch from the Locks Inn or Rowan Craft.
Description - Finding the quay in Beccles by car requires good navigation as negotiating the one way system in Beccles can be tricky. Next to the Tourist Info Centre are good loos which even boast washing machines in both the Mens and Ladies!
The return trip is 6.5 miles. There are no obstacles or locks to contend with. However, this stretch of the river is tidal, so depending on whether or not you are paddling with the tide will effect the time.
When you get to the fork in the river you can either go left towards the Locks Inn, or right towards Geldeston.
This is generally a quite stretch or river, which is great for all kinds of wildlife especially dragonflies on sunny days.
The Locks Inn is well worth a visit for drink and/or something to eat.
If you wish to hire a canoe, then the Beccles Canoe Centre and RowanCraft are both really friendly, well equipped, and reasonably priced.
Comments on this trip
Derrick 25 Apr 2017
If you take the right fork to Geldeston village you can get off the river at Rowan Craft and visit the Wherry Pub which is a short walk of about 50 yards, good beer and food on offer.
Derrick 25 Apr 2017
If you take the right fork to Geldeston village you can get off the river at Rowan Craft and visit the Wherry Pub which is a short walk of about 50 yards, good beer and food on offer.
Sam 30 Jan 2017
FREE PARKING AT THE QUAY. ANOTHER GOOD LAUNCH POINT IS AT BECCLES Lido, PUDDINGMOOR from Sept to May.There is free parking and a pontoon to launch from (please be respectful and not use thus parking during June to Sept when the pool is open.