Canoe Days Out

Buckinghamshire - River Ouse - Tyringham to Harrold

This page was submitted by Colin Southward (E-mail this submitter)
How to get there - Tyringham is just off the B526 six mile north of junction 14 of the M1 at Newport Pagnell.

For those with SatNav a nearby postcode is MK16 9EX.

Get a map with driving directions to start or end (enter the postcode of your starting point at A)

Suggested Launch Site - The start is at the bridge shown on the map, just off the B526. As this is a one way trip you will need to leave a second car at the finish at Harrold Bridge (See map). There is a public car park just north of Harrold Bridge.

For those with SatNav a nearby postcode is MK43 7DS.

General Description - This is a great 15 mile trip, not to be done anywhere near the fishing season. We did it at the start of June, there were four short portages, all taken on the right, except we shot the last one at Harrold. At Harrthe minor road bridge shown on the map, shoot the bridge on the extreme right as you look at it.

Start at Tyringham House, Grade 1 Georgian Listed house, now divided into apartments. Easy get in below the bridge. Very quiet on the river, some little side channels to take, but they can get very overgrown. We saw a Muntjac swimming across the river. First portage at Ravenstone, there is an automatic overspill on the right which gave us a short and easy portage.

We then saw kingfishers, buzzards and herons before getting to Olney, portage on the right again. the sides can be overgrown with nettles. The river goes round in a big loop and heads more north now and it takes a long time to leave Olney behind. Another short portage at Lavendon Mill. None were difficult. There is a pub marked at Newton Blossomville, make sure you take the channel on the right to get to it. It can be overgrown at the bottom and you may have to paddle back upstream to get out.

Just before Turvey another weir, on the right and find a way under the bushes. At the road bridge you can land on the left and get out to go to another pub for refreshments.

The last weir above Harold can be shot in the centre, inspect it first though. At the bridge at Harold itself, shoot it on the right and immediately pull over to the left to get out near the entrance to the country park and car park.

It took us about four and half hours including stops. We saw one other canoeist, the current was reasonable, but best to do it individually and not in a group. One of the best runs we have done.

Comments on this trip

Chris H
19 Jul 2020
large tree across the full width of river at approx OS Grid Ref SP 951 566. Paddled up from Felmersham yesterday in an inflatable.

12 Apr 2014
just done part of this route. very nice but spoilt a bit by an encounter with someone at harrold. to be fair to him he was sort of reasonable with me but was clearly unhappy about people canoeing HIS river.he apparently owns the island above harrold where the weir is and was telling me that the river is non navigable. he pointed out that he intends to make it as awkward as possible for us. Can't work out where yo shot the weir though as it seemed to be blocked off.Shall be doing harrold to radwell in the near future.

Miles Brignall
18 Sep 2009
We did the first half of this today - and great fun it was too. Water levels very low but this added to the challenge - at no stage did we did get stuck. Would highly recommend Odell to Radwell a bit further downstream. Great wildlife on both stretches, and no one else about. Could I please say a big thank you to those running the site - it's a fantasic resource. The internet at its very best! MB


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