How to get there - Head for La Roche, about 40 miles south of Liege. By public transport, hourly trains from Brussels to Malroie (via Namur), buses connect with trains, taking an hour or so.
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end (enter the postcode of your starting point at A)
Suggested Launch Site - Hire canoes from Les Kayaks de l'Ourthe or Ardenne Aventures, centre of La Roche, who provide transport to Maboge (10km) or Nisramont (23km)
Description - Fast flowing shallow river - expect to get out and push especially if low water in summer (canoes may even be cancelled if really dry). 10km took 1.5 hours. One weir about 70 cm high, can be taken easily if you aim at the middle. River winds this way and that between steep hills, lots of wildlife including kingfishers and herons. Ring to book recommended, low season there may be no one in the hire centre, high season and they'll have run out of canoes!
Les Kayaks de L'Ourthe,, 0032 8436 87 12 (10 euro pp)or Ardenne Aventures,, (11 euro with a plate of frites thrown in)
Other canoe hire, lower down the Ourthe, at Durbuy from and at Hamoir